Hydrogen Fuel Car Vs Electric Car: Pros and Cons

Hydrogen Fuel Car Vs Electric Car

Among the many green forms of fuel now being developed, hydrogen fuel cell technology is making inroads. Confusion leads to a number of queries, such as “Are hydrogen vehicles more environmentally friendly than electric automobiles?” Do hydrogen cars provide the finest mobility option for the future of transportation, especially when compared to electric automobiles?

How do Hydrogen cars work?

Hydrogen is stored in a tank underneath the vehicle and then piped into the fuel cell under high pressure, where it combines with oxygen to power the vehicle. This combination kicks off an electrochemical process that generates electricity to drive the electric motor. Because of their hybrid nature, hydrogen-powered vehicles share features with both battery- and gasoline-powered vehicles (because of the tank).

However, they are also known as FCVs (Fuel Cell Vehicles) or FCEVs (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles), and they make up a special segment of the transportation sector (Full Cell Electric Vehicles).

Fuel cells are the primary elements that make up hydrogen-powered automobiles. Imagine them as the conductor of all the many processes that are taking on within the automobile in order to provide it with the ability to drive forward.

To make a long tale short, fuel cells convert the hydrogen gas that has been stored into energy by combining it with oxygen. This electricity is then utilized to power an electric motor, which drives the car forward while producing no harmful emissions from the exhaust pipe.

As a matter of fact, the only by-products of the entire process are water and heat. This is because the combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms into H20 molecules results in the formation of these molecules.

How do Electric Cars(EVs) work?

A lithium-ion battery is the source of power for an electric vehicle. This battery delivers electricity to a motor, which in turn powers the different components of the vehicle. The batteries may be recharged just like any other electrical equipment, such as a computer or a telephone, by putting them into an outlet that is connected to the power grid. When certain types of electric cars use the brakes, they are able to give themselves a brief recharge by converting the heat that is created during the braking process into energy.

Pros of Hydrogen-powered cars

  • Vehicles that run on hydrogen fuel have a longer range than electric vehicles. They also offer a more expedient method of refuelling.
  • Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and despite the difficulties associated with extracting it from water, it is a uniquely abundant and renewable source of energy that is ideal for meeting our future zero-carbon requirements for combined heat and power supplies. Despite these challenges, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.
  • The by-products of hydrogen fuel cells, which include heat and water, make them an environmentally friendly energy option. Hydrogen does not need vast amounts of land for production like biofuel or hydropower.
  • When compared to other energy sources, hydrogen fuel cells perform exceptionally well. More energy can be generated per pound of fuel used thanks to this improvement in fuel efficiency.

Pros of Electric-Powered Cars

  • Positive environmental effects are a major selling point for EVs. Since pure EVs don’t have a tailpipe, they don’t release any exhaust gases, which is especially helpful in reducing air pollution in crowded urban areas.
  • While a Petrol car would cost over Rs 1091 to travel the same distance, an electric vehicle would cost less than Rs 107. Moreover, there is little to no tax on vehicles and service and maintenance costs are reduced.
  • When releasing the accelerator, electric vehicles (EVs) offer better sensitive acceleration and regenerative braking. They feature a low centre of gravity, which enhances their manoeuvrability, ride quality, and security.
  • Electric cars are noticeably quieter than their gasoline and diesel counterparts. Since electric vehicles are so silent, they must be equipped with an Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) that makes a noise when the vehicle is in reverse or moving at speeds of less than 12 miles per hour (19 kilometres per hour).

Cons of Hydrogen-Powered Cars

  • Fuel cells (and other forms of water electrolyser) might have a high up-front cost since they often use expensive precious metals like platinum and iridium as catalysts. Some potential investors have been put off by the hefty price tag of hydrogen fuel cell technology. The price of hydrogen fuel cells needs to drop before they can become a mainstream energy source.
  • Regulatory problems pertaining to the framework that specifies commercial deployment models also provide obstacles. Financial investment decisions for commercial initiatives can be difficult to make without clear regulatory frameworks that allow them to comprehend their cost and revenue base (FID).
  • Hydrogen fuel cells now have a higher per-unit cost than alternative energy sources, such as solar panels. This may improve as technology progresses, but now this expense is a barrier to the broad usage of hydrogen even if it is more efficient once created. This expenditure also affects expenses further down the line, such as with the price of hydrogen-operated automobiles, making broad adoption improbable at the time.

Cons of Electric Powered Cars

  • The infrastructure for electric refuelling stations is currently in the works. It may be more difficult to find a charging station if you are travelling a long distance or visiting relatives in a rural or suburban region, neither of which is likely to offer electric filling stations for your vehicle. It’s possible that you can’t go anywhere but where you are right now.
  • Due to the novelty of EVs, you may be taken aback by their asking prices. The lowest-priced brands can still cost upwards of Rs 15 Lakhs.
  • While filling up a gas-powered vehicle only takes a few minutes, charging an electric vehicle can take anywhere from four to eight hours or even a full day. Since recharging them takes so long, you’ll need their own power plants. Therefore, some people are discouraged because of the time commitment and preparatory work involved.

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