Choosing the right engine oil for your car is important for maintaining the health and longevity of your engine. Choosing the wrong one can affect engine performance heavily and reduce the life of your engine. It might cost you thousands of rupees.
Before going to purchase the engine oil, please ensure the following things for higher performance:
Check your Car’s owner’s manual: You should read the car’s owner’s manual properly as it provides specific information on the type of engine oil recommended for your car. It may also specify the viscosity grade and performance standards that are required.
Viscosity Index: It is one of the most important factors you should consider while choosing engine oil for your car. The viscosity index of lubricant oil refers to how easily it flows at different temperatures.
A lower-viscosity oil will flow more easily at colder temperatures, while a higher-viscosity oil will maintain its thickness at higher temperatures. An engine oil’s viscosity is identified by a pair of numbers, such as 10W-30, 0W-40, 15W-40, or 5W-30.
It’s important to know what these numbers represent. That combination of numbers indicates the rate at which oil will flow. The number before the W denotes the flow rate at -17.8 degree Celsius. The number after the W denotes the flow rate at 100 degree Celsius. W stands for winter. So, a 5w-40 rated oil means it’s best for winter seasons as compared to 10W-30 as it will not thicken and flow easily through the engine.
On the other hand in the peak summers, 10w-30 oil will thin out much quicker than 10W-40 oil.
So, choose the engine oil accordingly. Choosing the right viscosity is important for ensuring adequate lubrication and protection of your engine.
Consider performance standards: Engine oil is rated by various organizations, such as the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC). Look for engine oils that meet the performance standards recommended for your car.
Consider driving habits: If you drive in extreme conditions, such as very hot or very cold temperatures, or if you often tow heavy loads or drive in stop-and-go traffic, you may need engine oil that is formulated for these conditions.
Choose a reputable brand: Never buy engine oil from a local brand. Always go for a reputable brand like Total Quartz that has a history of producing quality products. Low-quality or counterfeit engine oils may not provide adequate lubrication or protection for your engine.
By following these steps, you can select the right engine oil for your car and ensure that your engine remains healthy and performs optimally.