Most people are aware that motor oil is necessary for a car’s proper operation. Engine oil’s purpose is to keep the engine’s moving parts lubricated, to prevent rust and corrosion, and, with the help of today’s detergent oil additives, to keep the engine clean.
The majority of us, however, also have misconceptions regarding engine oil. For instance, how often should you change your oil? Is it usually recommended that it be done every 4,828 kilometers? Isn’t it true that as the oil’s colour begins to darken, it’s about to clog the engine with dangerous sludge.
I mean, no. In the following pages, we will dispel these false notions and some other purportedly factual facts about engine oil. While ignorance isn’t always bliss, it can be costly to fix an inefficient engine if you’ve got even a smattering of false information on how to do it.
10 Myths and Facts about Synthetic Oil
Synthetic oil is unnecessary if regular oil changes are performed on conventional engines.
Fact –
Many of the advantages of utilizing synthetic motor oil are not attainable through simple oil changes. For improved engine protection in high temperatures and better engine flow in sub-zero temperatures, use synthetic oil. Due to the nature of synthetics, they not only help keep your engine cooler, but they also reduce vibration and improve overall performance. Synthetic materials are superior heat resisters and do not degrade under stress or high temperatures. Power can be increased by using certain Synthetic oils, such as our racing product.
Additionally, you may anticipate less frequent draining, a more effective detergent package for eliminating contaminants, slicker gear changes, and higher overall performance. Esters, which are present in several of our synthetic oils, provide additional protection for cold startup by leaving a fine layer on all ferrous metal components, hence preventing the premature wear of high-stressed elements like cam lobes.
My Engine’s Efficiency Can Be Enhanced Using Additives.
Fact –
The majority of oils of premium grade already have all of the necessary chemicals that are designed to assist you to get the greatest performance out of your vehicle’s engine. Additives may be beneficial to your engine, but despite their usefulness, they cannot make your vehicle more powerful or increase its gas mileage more.
Using synthetic oil is a permanent change that cannot be undone.
Fact –
This is not the case. Alternating between synthetic and conventional motor oils is a perfectly acceptable practice that will in no way compromise the performance of your vehicle’s engine or result in any other kind of damage. You won’t run into any problems if you switch between the two.
Seals in an engine can be worn down by using synthetic engine oils, leading to leaks.
Fact –
This is a common fallacy. In truth, synthetic oil will not leak in your engine provided the seals and gaskets are in good shape. The use of synthetic oil has not been demonstrated to damage engine gaskets or seals. However, an existing leak may be discovered. Synthetic oil’s tiny molecules can squeeze through tight spaces that conventional, petroleum-based oil can’t. No amount of synthetic oil can prevent the accumulating damage from tiny fissures and divots.
Synthetic and conventional oils are incompatible.
Fact –
The base oils and additives used to create synthetic and conventional motor oils are identical. Synthetic oil’s base oils and additives are superior to those in regular oil, but the two are still compatible and can be used together without risk. The term “synthetic-blend motor oil” refers to a specific type of motor oil that already includes a blend of conventional and synthetic components.
Even though it’s not dangerous to mix the two, we suggest you, however, do not. Synthetic oil’s efficiency suffers when it’s combined with regular oil.
Dark engine oil indicates that it is dirty and needs to be changed.
If you’re careful about maintaining your car, you may fear that unclean oil is generating engine sludge. You pull out the dipstick to check the oil’s colour. It’s likely turning dark, no longer the light amber tint of young oil. So it’s ruined? It’s causing engine sludge and must be replaced.
Wrong. False, in fact. If you’re using a detergent engine oil (and most current engine oils include detergent additives), the oil is scattering the microscopic particles that can cause engine sludge and holding them in suspension so they can’t build up. So the oil seems darker, but it still lubricates and protects the engine’s metal surfaces. Use the oil change interval recommended by your car’s manufacturer, not the colour of the oil on the stick, to determine when to change the oil.
‘Synthetic’ Motor Oil is artificially created oil that isn’t derived from petroleum
Synthetic oil is an artificially manufactured lubricant. The foundation ingredient is distilled and chemically treated crude oil. The synthesis process and additive content vary per manufacturer.
Synthetic is a process, not a material. Glass is made from white sand, but it’s never called ‘synthetic glass.’ Designer synthetic oils. From crude, we make separate groupings for diverse uses.
Engine oils use five base stocks. Groups I and II are mineral oils, while Groups III, IV, and V are synthetics. A Group III synthetic is more refined than mineral oil and hydrocracked to produce a purer base oil. Synthesized Group IV (PAO) mineral oil is refined. Group IV oils perform better than Group III oils in heat, oxidation, low-temperature starts, film strength, and viscosity index (ability to flow). Some Group III oils function as well as Group IV with modern technology.
Motul’s Group V (Esters) synthetic oils are created from vegetables, minerals, and animal fatty acids. Esters are pricey because they’re made from natural materials (which is a very expensive process). Group V Esters offer all the benefits of Group IV PAOs plus greater temperatures. When burned, esters leave less coking deposits and bind to metal five times stronger than mineral oil.
To put it simply, you can use any synthetic oil with a JASO rating.
In an effort to cut costs, Often apparently come across riders who use synthetic oil designed for use in automobiles. Simply having a JASO rating doesn’t mean it’s suitable for use in a vehicle’s engine. Some motor oils are made specifically for use in certain engine configurations. Because of the engine’s smaller parts, higher operating temperatures, tighter tolerances, and interdependence with the gearbox and clutch, it is essential to use an oil that was developed specifically for motorcycles.
Keep in mind that not all oil producers who claim a JASO rating are actually certified by JASO. To be able to put the JASO certification seal on the bottle, an oil must first pass a series of tests. See if the oil you’re thinking about buying is on the JASO website’s list of JASO-approved products.
Thicker motor oil is preferable.
Contrary to what you may believe, using heavier oil can actually result in poorer lubrication as compared to using thinner oil. In point of fact, engine oil that is thinner provides superior lubrication, removes foreign impurities more quickly, and cuts down on the amount of friction that occurs between the various engine parts.
In addition to this, it is also more effective because the amount of energy required to pump it to the various engine sections is lower.
MYTH 10:
If your vehicle is performing normally, you can get away with using cheaper engine oil.
You may believe you are saving money by cutting corners here and there, but in reality, you are reducing the life of your engine. In contrast to high-quality engine oil, the price of the latter is kept low by the presence of foreign substances that reduce its ability to lubricate.
Always keep in mind that while low-quality oil may not have any immediate negative effects on the engine, it will cause irreparable harm over time. Invest in your vehicle’s safety by getting nothing but the best.